
Haiku - Nurture

I took this photo at the tulip festival, after dragging my husband to stand so his dark blue jeans made a backdrop for the pink tulip. When I read the nurture prompt, I remembered this photo, somehow my mind associated it with babies gripping their parent's jeans or skirt, something that always feels right.

Nurture is this week's prompt from One Deep Breath.

should grand leaps fall short
hands in ready to protect
small steps encouraged


toes lifted from floor
land before the body falls
one small step forward


words sung by tone deaf
are music to baby's ears
mom sings lullabies.


and one more:

Nurturing, in reverse

mumbled words from heart
stick figures drawn by child's hand
seek to calm Mom's broken heart


Words put together by me, please do not copy without permission.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful photograph, and I can see what you mean. I like the third haiku the best, but I'm sure you're not tone deaf. ;)



Regina said...

Oh, I loved these- and the picture is beautiful.
The last one was very special as I feel children have this innate sense of nurturing and seem to know exactly what to do for our broken hearts...

Crafty Green Poet said...

I like the idea that tone deaf lullabies are just as soothing!

Tammy Brierly said...

I really love that photo! Your haiku are wonderful expressions.

written voize said...

All of those are beautiful. I love the pic, so natural with the blue jeans and the tulips (my favorite flower). You did good...

Becca said...

Oh my, I love all of these! Particularly, I think the first one - "should grand leaps fall short...small steps encourgaed" calls to mind the physical as well as the emotional image of being nurtured and cared for in a relationship, whatever our age might be.

Lovely work!

Anonymous said...

The third is MY favorite, because I am tone deaf! Lovely tulip to go with equally lovely poetry.

Jone said...

The photo is so beautiful. I love the haiku especially the first one. Having spent yesterday afternoon with my granddaughters, these haiku hit home.

Marcia (MeeAugraphie) said...

I got behind on my blogging, I spent Tuesday with Leon - another stolen moment! So, short replies as I also am fighting with my computer (wait, that also makes it sound like I was fighting with Leon. Nope, not that we haven't had heated discussions in our 33 years!

Rose Dewey Knickers, Crafty Green Poet, This Eclectic Life - the tone deaf is close enough to reality for me -- so the thought that babies don't care, and are soothed anyway is encouraging!

Regina Claire Jane - I wrote that one to remind us that somewhere inside we still have that innate sense, glad you worded your comment that way!

Tammy, Written Voize - I'm glad you also loved the photo. It is special to me, I wasn't sure anyone else would appreciate it enough, although the tulip is beautiful.

Becca, Jone - I'm glad you both saw the thought behind the first haiku.

Thank you all for taking the time to read and comment on my Haiku. I will be catching up on my reading this week!

Anonymous said...

Great shot, you placed your husband just right! I can tell from your haiku that you have a fair amount of "momma" experience.

Patois42 said...

Love that the prompt immediately brought to mind that photo. The haiku are all lovely, but I have to say I'm partial to the third. (Don't know if I'd be "professionally" termed tone deaf, but I'd come darn close. That doesn't stop me.)

Marcia (MeeAugraphie) said...

Sandy - only one son and our niece for 5 years, but mommy at heart no matter how many.

Patois - A lot of us are "close enough", thank goodness the kids still love us!

Thank you both for taking the time to comment.

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