at Thank you.
I have added to the blog description to reflect these are my former words.
All new posts will be found. . .
Marcia (MeeAugraphie)
2 Left their words
Haiku - Evening
One Deep Breath this week posted the most beautiful photo as our prompt (and new header) along with the word, evening. Stop by their site to see the photo and the accompanying haiku. It is well worth your time, and you will tumble on links to other wonderful haiku.
Yellow refuses
to give way to maudlin gray
Orange joins the fight

Evening creeps up
folds of rolling thunder
hide its path of stealth

Words and photos are mine, please do not use without permission, thank you.
Marcia (MeeAugraphie)
12 Left their words
Monday Finds "Growth Rings"
I find this poem interesting and wish to share it with you. Follow the link -- you may just find a poet or poem that sparks something inside you.
"Growth Rings" by Rose Dewey Knickers.
Marcia (MeeAugraphie)
2 Left their words
Labels: Linked, Monday Finds
Y'all are missing a chance to compete
Missy @ The Incurable Disease of Writing is lacking entries for her Show Don't Tell contest. Two of us have entered so far -- You don't want her to have to choose between just two people do you? Wouldn't it be more fun to make her work and have to read lots of entries?
The contest ends tomorrow! She may have to extend it, but come on, y'all, she took the time to come up with a prompt and a prize! You know you need the practice, we always need practice - and an excuse to do it, and Missy has given us one.
Besides it is fun.
Marcia (MeeAugraphie)
0 Left their words
Labels: contest
Unconscious Mutterings - Oh, to sleep
LunaNiƱa of Unconscious Mutterings, posts ten words each week for us to free associate. It is a quick and sometimes surprising exercise. It is also a fun one. Why not play along next time? Just click on link above! Her words on left, my responses on right.
- Voices :: in my head
- Have to :: go
- Machine :: ready
- Seventh grade :: English
- Beach :: ball
- Roommate :: sucks
- Cyclone :: hit
- Theater :: actor
- Pregnant :: pause
- Phoebe :: sings
I cannot just stop with her meme. I love to exercise my brain, so each week I write either a short story or poem with the words, attempting to keep them in the order given in the meme. Yet, I still want to make some sense out of them. . . My result this week:
Oh, to sleep...
Voices in my head
speak softly of
all I have to do --
before I go to sleep
they refuse to turn off
like a machine spinning in place
ready to take off at the touch
of a button
that never comes.
Seventh grade English,
romping on hot sand barefoot
to catch a beach ball thrown
by a roommate (for life),
moments when life just sucks
as if a cyclone hit land
and jerked trees and smashed bananas
and spit it out in my face,
theater, watching an actor
squirm from a pregnant pause that seemed
to go on past its due date,
my expertise at vocals (and sometimes words) --
comparable only to
to Phoebe as she sings
words and tones no one wants to hear
in the coffeehouse...
Someone, please push the button!
Please, do not copy my crazy words,they also contain words from LunaniƱa's meme, used with permission. Please do not copy hers except as part of her meme without her permission. Thank you.
Marcia (MeeAugraphie)
0 Left their words
Labels: Poem, Unconscious Mutterings
it takes you to make it more.
~ Bold & Tentative ~ Poetic & Terse ~ Bright & Dull ~
~ Patient & Intolerant ~ Oblivious & Aware ~
~ Understanding & Incomprehension ~
~ Willing & Unwilling ~ Able & Unable ~
~ Living & Hiding ~
It took binoculars to see you
Is Love Inevitable? We"ll know when its finished: